Leader Card Series - PATIENT

All right, we are back with our summer series headed into a leader cards segment series. If you didn't listen to the intro for it, pause here, back it up in the episode, listen to the Leader Cards Intro, back it up a few more from there actually, and listen to the purpose behind the Summer Series, which is meant to be short and sweet, and to get you thinking about daily development for your work and life and whatever it is you're facing, because the reality is, when we're in summer mode, everything's a little bit more fluid in our life and our leadership. 

So today, the leader card that I'm pulling for all of you is PATIENT.

I'm going to read the leader card (this is going to be the setup for the next few episodes), and then I'm going to give you the start of day reflection for the daily practice side of leader cards. Then I'm gonna read the card again and give you the end-of-day reflection. Okay, so setting that up now so that the next few episodes make sense for the structure. 

A leader is PATIENT. I understand the needs of my team, recognizing I may not see the whole picture, but willing to take time to continue listening.

So, as you are starting your day listening to this, and maybe it's a little bit further into your day when you're having that second cup of coffee☕, I want you to think about this intention that you're setting for your leadership: ‘’a leader is patient’’ and to journal or reflect on the following questions:

  1. How am I embracing this intention in my leadership or with my team right now? 

  2. How will I strive to make this word impact my day based on the plans, work, and conversations I have ahead of me?

  3. As a leader, what would change if I truly embodied this word patient throughout my day?

A leader is PATIENT. I understand the needs of my team, recognizing I may not see the whole picture, but willing to take time to continue listening.

At the end of the day, schedule 10 minutes for a developmental check-in for yourself and create space to journal and/or reflect on the following questions: 

  1. How did this leader card impact or influence the way you lead yourself and/or your team today?

  2. Did it change how you approach the specific situation as a leader, or could you have done something differently?

  3. How will you continue to integrate this intention? How will you continue to be a more patient leader and continue to integrate it more authentically into your daily leadership in the future? 

Have fun reflecting! Cheers!

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PodcastHaley Hatcher